Daily Archive November 20, 2017


Eat to Lose Weight

1 food calorie equals 1 kilo-calorie, but not all calories are created equal. That’s why different types of calories affect our body differently. Calories can have vastly various effects on hormones and hunger. The things that matter when getting in shape are the food you choose and the workout you do for weight loss. The golden rule is to eat less than you burn.

Here are the 5 most weight loss-friendly foods, that will boost your metabolism and help you shed pounds.

1. Eggs

Eggs are a killer weight loss food and a nutritional powerhouse.

Researches prove that whole eggs help protect heart health in those at increased risk of disease. The egg-based breakfasts promote feelings of fullness for several hours in overweight people by reducing hunger. Studies also show that those who ate 3 eggs for breakfast consumed 400 fewer calories per day and had a 16% greater reduction in body fat, compared to those who ate a bagel breakfast.

Eating eggs increases metabolic rate by about 20–35% for several hours after consuming. Including eggs in your diet will help you burn fat.

2. Fish

Fishes like trout, salmon, tuna, cod and haddock are rich in essential nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids which are perfect for the heart and brain. Moreover, researches prove that the oily fish is the best for weight loss. You can replace your usual serving of pork, beef or poultry with fish. It will make you feel fuller and can help you decrease the number of calories you consume in your diet by reducing hunger and cravings.

Be careful, because due to pollution of the oceans, some fish may contain contaminants.

3. Honey

While you don’t ordinarily consider sweeteners as diet foods, honey is an exception. It has been well-studied for its health advantages – its antioxidants and antimicrobial properties prevent genetic mutations and protect the cells from damage. Honey also might help with weight loss, but is still high in calories, so you should eat it in moderation.

4. Nuts

Nuts are rich in healthy fats, high in protein and low in simple carbohydrates. They stimulate your body to burn excess fat, because nuts make an incredibly versatile addition to your diet.

Keep calories in mind when eating nuts for weight loss, because they are an incredibly energy dense food. Researchers found that consuming nuts is associated with better diet compliance and helps reducing the risks of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

5. Yogurt

It is a low-fat food packed with calcium as well as protein. With the yogurt’s trifecta of fat, carbs, protein it can make you full and ward off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady. Go for 2% with whole milk, instead of choosing the non-fat kind to wind up hungriness. Yogurt has no added fat and provides all the advantages of dairy. Because of the way it is made, yogurt contains more calcium and protein per serving than other dairy product.

Eat yogurt every day for consistent weight loss.

Whether you want to get healthier or lose weight, these 5 superfoods will help you get there.