There are many people who face extra pounds. And for women, the percentage is over 95. The reasons why we may face this scourge – weight loss can be many. The most common are: poor health, athletes who keep a category, or we’re just fat and that does not make us happy.
To part with obesity is a real test, but that’s only half the battle. To win the war you must be able to keep the result achieved. We all want to lose weight quickly and painlessly, but the truth is that losing weight and keeping up with the good results must be a well-thought-out process accompanied by a dose of patience. Here you will get some tried out tips on how to keep your weight down.
1. The speed at which your kilos are melting is of utmost importance. People who starve and lose weight by 10 pounds a month very quickly understand what a yo-yo effect means. The faster the pounds go, the quicker they will come back. That is why you have to trick your body so that it does not feel the loss and will forget about the lost pounds. The healthiest way is to lose weight of 2 kg. per month, which is 0.5 kg. per week.
2.If you combine the weight loss with sport you have made a good choice. But if you are only sporting for this purpose and you want to stop at the desired weight – do not rush to do that. With an active three per week training session that helped you to lose weight, it’s a good idea to continue the sport and hold on to the result. You can afford to slow down the pace, cut the visits to the gym from three to two or even once a week, but not to suddenly stop.
3. Yes, you lost a few pounds and started to like it. You think you are worth awarding yourself with a big cake. Every time such a thought floods into your head, remember the will and the efforts you have made to get here. Of course, you can afford the things you love, but everything with a measure. You do not have to eat the whole piece of cake. Take as much as you can, but do not teach your body and mind that you can always do it.
4. To overcome the extra pounds and to have the happiness to keep them is a challenge that is fully achievable. You just have to create habits. During diet, you are used to drinking more water and replacing juices and carbonated drinks with tea. Do not give up this habit, but turn it into a way of life. You are used to eating light meals – keep doing it. You have found new friends in the gym – do not forget them.
The diet that gives the best results is the one that creates eating habits that will help you keep your weight in the future.