Yearly Archive November 16, 2017


Express Detox: 3-Day Body Cleanse

Only three days of detoxing can do wonders for your health – decrease swelling, help organs to work better and give a much-needed energy boost. Тhe cleanse is designed to free the body of waste by cleaning skin pores, eliminate accumulated waste in the intestines and clean the kidneys, lungs and liver of excess toxins.
The cleanse is the first phase in a full-body detoxification process. The process offers a couple of simple and important to perform steps. After a detoxification, most people feel better and lose weight. recommends three-day body cleanse for the ultimate detox and advises you to:

Drink More Water!

Part of the goal is to poop, pee and sweat toxins out of your body. So drinking 8 to 12 glasses of decaffeinated tea or water a day is essential. You can add the juice of ½ a lemon in the water. Lemon helps re-hydrate the system and promotes digestion. Thus, it will help the flow of waste out of your body. The cleanse is best done in the privacy, at home, where you can have access to the bathroom.

Don’t Eat Solid Foods!

For three days don’t eat any solid foods. After all, you don’t want to eat anything that contains the toxins you’re trying to get rid of. You can consume some raw fruits and vegetables such as apples or carrots, if you get really hungry. You can also drink an additional glass of prune juice to help alleviate any discomfort. The detox works best if you take 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil 3 times each day. After the 3-day body cleanse, add crude vegetables and natural products to your diet.


The movement encourages circulation in the blood and lymph system. Move your body to reduce tension, enhance digestion and lubricate joints. People exercising regularly have fewer total toxins in their systems.

So, exercise is an important part of any detox program. Moving the body creates the conditions for the organism to breathe, circulate, stretch and sweat. By increasing your breathing rate, your body can more effectively flush out unwanted fats, toxins and waste.

Finally, don’t worry over what you can and can’t eat, it is just as terrible for you as having that additional glass of wine or bunch of chips! Do what you can and achieve it slowly and carefully.


Ah, Honey, Honey, You Are My… Superfood

Since ancient times, honey has been used as both a nourishment and a medication. Everybody knows that honey is a thick, sweet liquid made by honey bees. To produce honey, the bees collect the sugar-rich nectar of flowers and repeatedly digest, consume and regurgitate the nectar inside the beehive. The end product is honey. Its colour, smell and taste varies depending on the types of flowers the bees visit.

What Does Honey Contain?

Depending on the type, natural honey contains approximately: 75–80% saccharine (grape – glucose, fruit – fructose and sucrose), 15–20% water as well as mineral matter, vitamins, albumen ferments, alkaloids, organic and non-organic acids, fragrance and colour.

Usually 1 tablespoon of honey (~20 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar. It contains no fat, fiber or protein. That’s why honey is considered a superfood.

Why I Should Consume Honey Every Day?

Many studies prove that honey prevented a type of streptococcus pyogenes from inhibiting the healing of wounds. They found that even the smallest amount of honey is enough to kill off the majority of bacterial cells of the skin which infects the wound site. The superfood could even be utilized to prevent wounds in the first place. Honey can even painlessly remove scabs, dead tissue and pus from wounds and stimulates new tissue growth.

Other studies show that honey could be a potential answer to drug resistant bacteria like MRSA. Also, it could even be more effective than antibiotics in many cases and fight serious skin infections.

Can I Use Honey for Weight Loss?

Honey can also be very useful for weight loss. It has the ability to mobilize the stored fat and provide energy for your daily activities. This superfood balances your weight and resolves the problems of obesity. Honey also increases the levels of “good” cholesterol in the body and reduces cardiovascular strain. Thus, you can lead a healthier and more active life.

Enjoy honey every day and take advantage of its benefits for your health.


Many Different Types of Water, Many Reasons to Choose Wisely

Many people underestimate drinking water, but keeping the body hydrated has an important impact on overall health. Still, regardless of how vital water is, a critical number of people neglect to consume recommended levels of liquids every day. On the other hand, less people know the difference between the various types of water. And everyone can get confused easily about which types of water are really good for their health.

Here is information about 4 common types of water people are drinking these days.

1. Tap water

It’s easy to find, convenient and it comes right out of your kitchen faucet. The quality of the water can vary based on whether it comes from a large public water system that is regulated, or a small community system/small private well in your backyard—which are not regulated. If your water system isn’t regulated, you should make sure your water is safe for drinking. Tap water can include a host of pollutants that increase your risk of serious health problems.
Using water filters for your faucet water can be a perfect way to get rid of contaminants and access to clean water.

2. Spring water

Spring water has been filtered by the earth, which works better than any invented means of purifying water. So try to make spring water most of the water you drink. Another benefit is that it contains a wide assortment of minerals that the human body urgently needs. Drink spring water from remote places on earth – it will be purer.

Keep in mind that bottled spring water may be just as polluted as some sources of tap water, if not more, with the additional toxins that leach from plastic bottles.

3. Distilled water

Distilled water has gone through a rigorous filtration procedure to strip it of contaminants, as well as any natural minerals. When water is distilled, by boiling it and condensing it, all solid matter is left, with the exception of the chemicals that were in the water.

While it’s obviously good to eliminate the contaminants in your diet, there are potential health concerns that come from removing the minerals from water. Distilled water can negatively influence water and mineral metabolism in the body by increasing urination and eliminating of sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and magnesium ions.

4. Electrolyte water

Electrolytes are required by the body to keep fluid in balance, and are found in foods and drinks naturally. There is no real evidence of there being a benefit to adding electrolytes to a hydrating formula. Some bottled water companies purify the water first and then add electrolytes. The amount of electrolytes added back to the water are not considered significant. Also, some of these drinks can contain sugar or sodium.

While there is no perfect water decision, you can amplify the well-being and health advantages of the water you drink by ensuring it is as clean as possible.


How to cope with depression in 3 steps


Do you feel unwilling whatever you do?

You’re not interesting in anything around you. Just going to work and then coming back home – tired and hopeless. You don’t know what’s trendy this season, you don’t even know if you have some accessories in the wardrobe.


Are you bored or maybe you prefer to stay alone at home instead of to go out with friends?

You have no energy, you have lost your healthy tonus. Sometimes you’re wondering “Am I already old?”. After that you’re sitting down, eating something that you even don’t like…

How often you’re watching TV while your friends are in the cinema?

Yes – this is an easy way to lie to yourself that you’re doing something. There’re too many things to do which are waiting for you.

And the answer is ‘No, you aren’t too old, neither you’re a boring person.”

The only reason to behave like this, is that you have been depressed.

Depression catches people who:

  • are responsible
  • take care for the others
  • always do what they have to

In fact you’re a good person and this is the main reason depression happened to you. You get stressed, bad-tempered and sometimes even angry.

Luckily there are easy ways to handle with this.

First you must go to the library and get a book. Reading helps to relax your mind. Go to the library and point some book with interesting title for you. You’ll see how thinking about what  book to buy will make you feel better. Instead watching TV – just read. It helps improve your sleep, too.


The second step to get out from depression is the famous “shopping therapy”. But here is the catch. You must go shopping alone. You don’t need anybody else. You’ll have enough time to look at these shops which you’re fond of. Put on something you have never done before. Try what you want and enjoy the time spend with yourself. This step helps you find yourself and more importantly – to like yourself.

The third rule is to dance like no one’s watching you. Of course you have to do this alone at home. Dancing helps the body to produce endorphins, also called hormone of happiness. Moving your body will increase positive energy and makes you willing to life. We all need to move, that’s why sport helps us to have healthier life. But dancing is magical, because you calm down while listening to the music and moving your body the way you like!


Follow these simple steps for a week and comment how you feel!


5 Simple Rules for Healthy Life

Most hard-working people have no time for a healthy life. It’s too hard to find time for healthy food or doing exercises. In fact, we don’t have enough time for ourselves. This are the main reasons to put on weight and get stressed. That makes us bad-tempered, bad-looking and we don’t like ourselves at all. Here are 5 easy ways to cope with these problems.


Have you ever felt how a cup of hot water acts on you?

The first thing after you wake up in the morning should be having a cup of hot water. It helps your body to get toxins out. Hot water increases the body temperature. This process naturally helps to detox your body. Only 10 days are enough to feel the difference.


Don’t get cold anymore

 The second step after your cup of hot water is having a combination of honey, ginger and lemon. These tree amazing ingredients improve the state of your immune system. This is a preventive measure which keeps flu and cold away from you. Furthermore this combination eliminates toxins too, and fights against cancer.


Enjoy your 10 minutes exercise

Don’t you have enough time for doing exercises? Don’t worry, there is an easy way to get into good shape. Only 10 minutes a day, dancing alone at home and you’re going to lose weight, get in a better health condition and reduce the stress in your life until you have fun. Dancing alone and listening to your favorite music is the most resting ability for your mind.


Half a meal for better results 

Nowadays we don’t eat healthy food due to many reasons. We’re always in a hurry and the fast food is often preferred. That’s the main mistake that we do every single day, but sometimes we just don’t think about it. It’s a good way to start with half a meal. Usually we eat everything served only because it’s already served. When you realize that that isn’t necessary, you can choose the healthy food in your plate. Think about a healthy combination like vegetables and meat and other ways that you know about how to separate your food in a healthy manner.


Walk 10 minutes more a day

 You will be surprised how easy it is and what an amazing effect you will feel. Walk to your workplace or to the shop. Have a walk for a few minutes per day. Walking helps to boost your metabolism. This is a simple way which doesn’t burden the body like doing exercises. Another point for walking is that this way you can see a lot of things around you, which you haven’t seen before.


3 Do’s and Don’ts When Waking Up

Mornings are the perfect time to relax, set your intentions for the day and get your body in good shape. Unfortunately, many of us cannot resist the urge to reach for the phone to check mail and social networks. Thus, our brain makes a fast switch from peace to productivity. This might be stressful and even dangerous for our health.

To keep your body and mind relaxed from the start of the day, do these simple but essential morning routine practices.

  • Reach for loved one’s hand instead of reaching your phone

Expressing love is the best way to start the day and it keeps you… in good health! Specialists at the University of North Carolina have discovered that hugging may lower blood pressure and boost blood levels of oxytocin, a relaxing hormone that plays a key role in breastfeeding, labor, and orgasms.

On the contrary American Psychological Association have found out that individuals who are continually taking a gander at their computerized gadgets (so called “steady checkers”), detailed larger amounts of stress contrasted with individuals who invest less energy interfacing with their phones.

  • Refresh your mind instead of refreshing your news feed

Don’t be afraid, you won’t miss anything if you don’t refresh your Facebook account after opening your eyes. Wake up and stay 5 minutes in bed just thinking of killing it at work and how many good things will happen to you during the day! Afterwards, make something that fuels your soul and makes you real happy.

  • Check your body balance instead of checking the email

Checking your email in the morning might tell you what’s new in the previous 8 hours, but it will also make your stress hormones to soar. Your recently resting mind suddenly has to process all this data, sending it into panic mode in order to wake up faster. Not only does checking your mail affect your biological chemistry, but it also potentially floods your brain with irritating information.

Do some yoga instead! After 7-8 hours of shut eye, our body responds affectionately to movement, and our mind is clear and receptive to positive ideas. Yoga practice in the morning will set your mental tone for the day.


Men Skin Care Is Important!

Regardless what age you are, you can benefit from developing a skin care regimen for your skin. But most men have no idea how to take care of their skin. Here are the good news, fellas: it’s nowhere near as time-consuming as you think, yet it is essential. And to help you to begin your mission to a smoother skin and clearer complexion, we’ve gathered together everything a normal guy needs to know for the best skin of his life.


It is important to wash thoroughly the face at least twice a day because our skin comes into contact with a lot of dust, dirt and grime. Wash your face with a good quality cleanser. Avoid soap, because it dries your skin and some soaps can even trigger an allergic reaction. A good cleanser keeps your skin looking fresh and energized.


A moisturizing shaving gel is the key to providing a barrier of protection while shaving. It helps hydrate the skin and retain the essential oils, at the same time your skin is prevented from drying. Choose a good quality moisturizer to keep the skin healthy and blemish-free. Over time it will lessen the appearance of wrinkles, preventing them from settling in and making you appear older than you actually are.

And remember – stop buying cheap razors, pick a razor that fits your beard coarseness and your skin sensitivity!

Applying sunscreen

This is the best thing for your skin and a crucial part of men’s healthy skin. Use a sunscreen that contains a SPF of 30 or higher! Men who don’t use it, increase the risk of sun damage, which may result in irritation, redness, extra blood vessels, even skin cancer. Stay forever young by applying sunscreen every single day.

Finally, men’s skin care should be easy and straightforward. Buy high quality, all natural products and your face will thank you. Your health is also important. Exercise regularly, eat well and drink lots of water for overall well-being. Follow men’s skin care routine daily for the best results.


3 Homemade Anti-Wrinkle Recipes

When you are in your 40s and 50s, you will probably notice some changes in your skin like enlarged pore size, loss of tone, sagging, etc. Believe it or not, it is possible to have brilliant skin at any age… As long as you take steps to properly care for it and it doesn’t mean that you should use only expensive skin care creams and serums.

These 3 homemade anti-wrinkle recipes help prevent and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, because of their high-quality ingredients that hydrate your skin.

Recipe #1


  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • ¼ cup almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon shea butter
  • 2 tablespoons beeswax
  • ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • Essential oils of choice (optional)


Place all products in a glass container. Bring a pot filled around 4 inches with water to a simmer. Put the container, without its cover, in the pot, and let it stay there until everything is melted. Stir from time to time. When the mixture is melted and all the ingredients are mixed, pour the liquid into a glass jar. Leave it at room temperature until the mixture hardens. Close the jar and store it in a cool place. Apply twice a day after washing.

Recipe #2



  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh cream


Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree into a smooth cream. Apply it to your clean skin and leave on for at least 60 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This homemade cream makes your skin look and feel youthful and dewy.

Recipe #3


  • 1 tablespoon agave nectar
  • 1/2 cup cooked rice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice


Combine the ingredients and mix well. Apply the blend to dry hands and move the scrub around your hands in circular movements on the backs of your hands with firm but delicate weight for two minutes. You can rub this rice on the palms of the hands to mellow calluses. This mixture helps lighten skin and lift off dead cells.


7 Easy Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

Yoga helps us to work towards becoming a calm and peaceful human beings. Even 10 minutes of yoga daily can have positive benefits on your physical and mental health. The poses combine physical controller breathing, relaxation and meditation. That is why yoga is a mind-body practice that is a proven to be calmness provider.
Yoga can give you relief from chronic back pain and lower your blood pressure. Be aware that not all asanas are particularly effective for promoting tension relief, relaxation and restfulness.
Practicing these 7 positions will give you the stress relief you deserve. So slow down for a second and take a deep breath. It is time for some asanas!

Pose #1: The Bridge

Not to be mistaken for the full wheel, this asana flow gives delicate extend of the back and legs muscles while easing stress and pressure. The pose reduces fatigue, headache, anxiety and insomnia. It is also helpful to overcome high blood pressure.


Pose #2: The Child

A gentle stretch is felt in the back when practicing the popular child’s pose. This calming asana flow eases anxiety and stress, helps cool the mind and is also good for the nerve system. The child’s pose allows us to come inward to ourselves.


Pose #3: Standing Forward Bend

This position naturally calms your muscles and nerves. It’s perfect for your legs and many other parts of your body. By reversing the blood flow you are relieving tension in the neck, spine and back. Thus, your mind is totally relaxed.



Pose #4: The Corpse

This yoga pose comforts the body completely and is considered as the most calming asana flow. Practicing “the corpse” gives you a state of deep relaxation that lowers the blood pressure and calms your nerves. The pose encourages the body to come to a restful state.


Pose #5: The Puppy

The variation of child’s pose has a heart-opening effect. Because of the mild inversion, the asana flow can help you counter your tendency to crouch and slouch the shoulders when stressed. By improving flexibility, especially in the spine, it relieves symptoms of chronic stress and insomnia.

Pose #6: The Legs-Up-The-Wall

This asana flow helps renew blood and lymph drainage back into the heart area. It is one of the most approachable yoga poses because it doesn’t require much strength or flexibility. But even though it’s a passive pose, its benefits are amazing – it helps lower anxiety, stress and insomnia.


Pose #7: The Cat

The cat pose soothes perfectly by stretching the lower back and gently massages the spine. Since it’s a breath synchronized movement, the asana flow helps relieve stress from menstrual cramps, lower back pain and sciatica. The cat strengthens and improves flexibility of the spine, through utilization of the reciprocal relationship between the primary and secondary curves.