Yearly Archive October 31, 2017


The Effects of Yo-Yo Dieting

The weight cycle is a repeated loss and gain/regain of body weight and is often called “yo-yo effect”. The term yo-yo reminds us of some child’s game, but actually the yo-yo dieting cycle is exhausting and it is not a game and fun at all.

There has been much research that links yo-yo dieting with certain health risks. Here are some facts about weight cycling and reasons why you should avoid the yo-yo dieting.

  • You are never satisfied because the results are not consistent

Actually the yo-yo dieting is not a permanent solution. Generally, the regime is restrictive and eliminates many healthy foods that contribute vitamins and minerals that each organism needs in order to thrive.

  • You are fixed on unrealistic scales and numbers

Sometimes the food regime becomes a desperate strategy. Especially when you have a certain number on the scale that you are desperate to hit. The specialists say there is a huge problem with that mentality. Most of the people don’t realize that even if they actually arrive at this weight, or at a lower number, they’ll never stay there. Everyone has at least between 5-10 pounds that they will naturally fluctuate within, even when the diet is balanced.

  • Your health is in danger

According to a study presented to the American Heart Association, yo-yo dieting may increase the risk for coronary heart disease and sudden cardiac death in post-menopausal women. The research shows that weight cycling can result in electrolyte changes and fluid shifts. Sometimes that can cause deadly heart arrhythmia in middle-aged women.

  • Your body can become resistant to losing weight

Food regimes are supposed to help you improve your overall health, but yo-yo dieting actually causes your body to break down and resist those changes. During weight cycling, leptin increases, the adrenal glands become stimulated and hormones become imbalanced. Sometimes any form of exercise that incorporates an intensity will only further fatigue and damage the metabolic activity. The harder you push, the more the body will rebel.

  • You may gain visceral fat

When we lose weight, our bodies tend to start at the top and bottom of our bodies, leaving visceral fat in the abdomen for last. Some bodies don’t ever get to the point of losing it there, and when we gain weight back, the abdomen is the first place we add fat. So, the effects of yo-yo dieting ultimately increase visceral fat in our midsection.

To stay away from potential problems, most specialists recommend that obese grown-ups adopt regular physical activity and healthy eating habits to achieve and maintain a healthier weight for life. Non-obese adults should try to keep up their weight through healthy diet and regular physical activity.


5 Ways to Reduce Premature Skin Aging

Aging affects all of us. As we get older, our skin begins to lose its natural elasticity and wrinkles start to appear. The most common signs of aging on the face are:

  • Wrinkles and lines around the eyes and on the forehead
  • Sagging skin
  • Dull skin tone
  • Fat below the chin
  • Age spots

It sure can get depressing, but there are things you can do to control the future aging process.

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Being sun safe is number one priority to prevent skin aging. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen (at least SPF 15) that protects you from both UVA and UVB rays. Make sure it is water resistant and remember that sunscreen can also help you to prevent skin cancer.

Eat Foods That Fights Wrinkles

Keep your skin looking as youthful as possible by making your diet as clean as you can. You should drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol. Improve your diet, adding certain key foods that can help with everything from wrinkles to sagging skin. Such foods are tomatoes, berries, yogurt, honey, fish and nuts.

Get Enough Sleep

They call it “beauty sleep” for a reason! During sleep our bodies go into repair mode, and that includes the skin. According to a study, sleeping for just six hours a night for a few days increases the appearance of wrinkles. Sleep deprivation can raise the cortisol levels. So get a healthy sleep and avoid dark circles and puffy eyes.

Try a Facial Massage 

When the muscles on your face tense up, they are more likely to form wrinkles, which is why they need to be massaged out regularly. Anyone can do a facial massage at home to increase blood flow (which helps with collagen production) and to relieve wrinkle-causing muscle tension. Just a few minutes daily of facial massage can tighten skin, fade lines and make you look gorgeous.

Get a Facelift

As far as cosmetic surgery goes, a facelift is a very effective way to battle sagging skin. A face lift is used to lift the entire structure of the face up vertically in order to make the skin tighter and smoother. Depending on your particular face shape and areas needing improvement, your doctor will help come up with a treatment plan tailored to your own needs.


The 3 Most Common Sleep Disorders

Do you experience difficulty getting or staying asleep? Do you wake up in the morning feeling as if you never truly slept at all or wake in the middle of the night unable to come back to rest? Or, perhaps you feel drained and exhausted every day? If so, you may have one of the most common sleep disorders – insomnia, narcolepsy or EDS.


Insomnia is the most widely recognized sleep disorder. Approximately 50% of all people having experienced symptoms once in a while, and the statistics show that about 10% of Americans are suffering from chronic insomnia.

This sleeping disorder is characterized by trouble falling asleep and waking up often. Individuals with insomnia have at least one of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Waking earlier in the morning
  • Waking up frequently in the middle of the night and having problem going back to sleep
  • Feeling tired after waking


Narcolepsy is a disorder that affects the brain’s ability to control its sleep – wakefulness cycle. More than 200,000 Americans suffer from this sleeping disorder. The symptoms are:

  • Cataplexy – in narcolepsy this is the term for muscles weakening when you feel strong emotions like anger, surprise or laughter.
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Hypnagogic hallucinations – having nightmares or vivid, dreamlike experiences that seem real while falling asleep or waking up
  • Sleep disruption

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS)

Approximately 60% of adult drivers have driven a vehicle half asleep. More than 33% have fallen asleep during driving. Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a side effect that can be found in several sleep disorders, including narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea and periodic limb movement disorder. People with EDS have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty waking in the morning.
  • Dozing off during inappropriate times such as in the middle of conversations, or while driving.
  • Poor school/job performance.
  • Feelings of irritability or anxiety.

Sleep is a critical function and the lack of sleep can have severe consequences. Do you have any of the symptoms of the most common sleep disorder? If you suspect you have such a problem, it is important to seek the expert opinion of your physician.