Get Rid of This Belly, Man


Get Rid of This Belly, Man

Women tend to gain fat in the thighs and hips (especially during childbearing years), but men are doomed to gain weight in their bellies. And the male belly comes in all shapes and sizes. That’s why fighting the bulge takes different approaches and strategies depending on your metabolism, your genetics, your will power, etc. Here are some simple rules you should follow if you want to get rid of this annoying belly fat.

Watch what you eat!

The weight loss plan for bellies includes healthy carbs, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain and lean sources of protein – poultry, seafood, beans and lean pink meat. The diet must be low in trans and saturated fats. Avoid soda, white bread and sweets. You should eat three times a day, with each meal about the same size, plus one snack. Eating often boosts your energy levels and controls hunger.

Do the right training!

The best way to lose belly fat is with a suitable balance of muscle-building and fat-burning exercises. The most effective training includes:

  • Lunge Twist
  • Lunge Reach
  • Step Hop
  • Hands-Up Hop
  • Squat Jump

15 minutes a day is an effective start, but as a minimum half-hour a day (ideally 45-60 minutes), 5-6 times a week produces the greatest result.

Change your lifestyle!

There are several changes that are essential for losing belly fat. First of all, quit smoking – it increases visceral fat. Also sleep well, because studies found that constantly getting less than 6-hours sleep can result in greater abdominal fat in people around 40. And most of all – limit your stress levels. The “burnout syndrome” can cause you to pump out the hormone cortisol, which is the main reason for the visceral fat gain.

A flat belly is a badge of honour. It’s an outstanding sign that you keep fit. So get rid of this belly fat, man!

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cleverhealthtips administrator