Category Archive Food & Nutrition


Tips and Tricks Lowering Your Cholesterol

Be healthy and lower your “bad” cholesterol levels. Adopting healthy habits, for example, being active and having a balanced diet, can help prevent your cholesterol becoming high in the first place.

It is vital to keep your cholesterol in check because high “bad” cholesterol levels increase your risk of heart issues and stroke. Talk with your doctor about your cholesterol and if the GP has advised you to change your diet to reduce your blood cholesterol, you should eliminate saturated fat and eat more fibre, including a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Here are 5 useful tips and tricks that can help lower your cholesterol within weeks.

1. Set a goal

You know you must get your “bad” cholesterol numbers down, but how low do you have to go? That depends on several factors, such as weight, age and gender, as well as, on your personal and family history of heart diseases.

If you do not already have cardiovascular problems, the goal is to lower your total cholesterol level to less than 5.0mmol/l and LDL “bad” cholesterol to under 3mmol/l.

If you already have cardiovascular disease, your goal is to get your total cholesterol level down to less than 4.0mmol/l and LDL “bad” cholesterol to under 2.0mmol/l.

2. Cut the animal fats

Forgot about the fatty and processed meats such as salami, bologna, pepperoni and hot dogs. Also cut back on the fatty red meats like prime cuts of beef, ribs, pork, lamb or veal. Remember to skip the skin on chicken or turkey. Avoid full-fat dairy products, for example cheese, whole milk, cream, sour cream, butter and cream cheese. All of these foods contain saturated fat associated with higher blood cholesterol and plaque development.

3. Substitute your oils

You don’t have to remove all fats from your diet. Rather, switch to unsaturated fats, which may raise your “good” cholesterol levels and lower your “bad” cholesterol. Instead of mayonnaise or butter on bread, try using olive oil. Canola, peanut and avocado are good options for cooking. Fats that are semisolid or solid at room temperature, such as butter and coconut oil, are referred to as saturated fats. It is recommended to limit consumption of saturated fats to less than 5–6% of your daily diet.

4. Be careful with carbohydrates

Research proves that following a low-carbohydrate eating plan can help you reduce cardiovascular risk factors and lose weight. Choose high fiber carbohydrates, such as beans, oatmeal, lentils, whole grain starches and fruits which will provide the energy you need, but also will keep you feeling full. The trick is to be careful with your portions, aim for no more than about 1 cup of starch and/or fruit with meals. Additionally, fill up on vegetables, which are high in fibers and low in calories.

5. Follow the right rhythm

Go for a moderate level of exercise. When you have safely mastered moderate-intensity physical activity, consider High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 1 to 2 times per week. Emerging studies suggest this type of training can help raise HDL “good” cholesterol levels.


Enlarged Prostate: Medications and Natural Treatments

Treatment for an enlarged prostate (or BPH) depends on the symptoms and the risk of side effects, for example – urinary retention. Most people with enlarged prostate experience mild to moderate symptoms, and usually the men are able to cope with them without depending on serious treatment plans and medications. But for others, the symptoms can be painful and very troublesome, and they can get worse over time, so a treatment plan is required.


Most individuals with an enlarged prostate will either watch and hold up to see how their symptoms develop or take medications. Alpha blockers (for example terazosin) are used to relieve BPH symptoms within several weeks… But they do not stop the prostate from continuing to grow.

On the other hand, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (for example Proscar and Avodart) are used to reduce an enlarged prostate, but they may take up to 6 months or even more to show any effect on symptoms. Sometimes a combination of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and alpha blockers is used.

When taking drugs, it’s important to be aware of the possible interactions between different medications. For example, if a man takes alpha blockers, he should not use medications for impotence treatment also because both of these drugs have a blood-pressure-lowing effect.

Natural Treatments

You should think about some of the natural treatments for enlarged prostate when consulting with your doctor. Natural ways of treatment can be used both alone and along with conventional alternatives. When discussing natural treatments for BPH, we are including approaches such as natural supplements, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle changes, stress reduction, and hormone management.

There are many lifestyle and dietary steps you can take to boost prostate health and help in the management of any symptoms of BPH. Here are some useful pieces of advice:

  • Focus on low-fat foods
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
  • Drink green tea
  • Avoid red meat, calcium, dairy products, and foods high in sugar
  • Take only well-researched supplements
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Adopt stress reduction techniques
  • Research natural therapies
  • Quit smoking
  • Maintain hormone balance
  • Engage in a healthy sex life
  • Avoid exposure to toxins
  • Cut caffeine intake
  • Reduce spicy and salty food intake
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Keep your diabetes under control
  • Stay warm

In general, embracing healthier lifestyle habits will help reduce estrogen, decrease inflammation, and go a long way towards reducing your symptoms of enlarged prostate.


How hard is it to deal with prostate issues?

Prostate health easily gets sidelined by other health subjects. Men are usually hesitant to talk about their prostate concerns, even with their GP. The easiest screening option – a blood testing your PSA levels indicates expansion in cases of prostate growth, which causes a lot of anxiety related to the anticipation of results and is very often skipped.

Why does a prostate issue have to be difficult when the problem could be dealt with ease when addressed early on? Why not concentrate on prevention by keeping a healthy prostate?

Fortunately, there are natural approaches to keep a healthy prostate.

Eat Healthy Food

Including a balanced amount of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to your daily snacks and meals would be a perfect way to guarantee that your prostate stays healthy, particularly those rich in zinc and vitamin C. Other example of foods that boost prostate health is nuts, avocados and healthy oils (for example – the organic olive oil).

Do The Pelvic Floor Exercise

Exercises help your bladder empty at a normal rate. The pelvic floor practice works the muscles by contracting and relaxing them regularly. While relaxing the muscles, all you should do is simply leave them. Repeat this routine several times daily. It is important to keep the muscles tight, as hard as possible, and enabling the muscles to relax completely afterwards.

Manage Hormones

Dealing with your hormone production is an essential step in managing your aging prostate health. As you age, your hormone production changes. An enzyme and hormone called 5-alpha-reductase turns testosterone to dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This can cause the testosterone levels to drop down and create imbalance between your testosterone and estrogen. This leads to an enlarged prostate. You can naturally manage your hormones through maintaining a healthy weight and by using supplements.

Your lifestyle significantly affects your prostate health – from the exercises you do to the food you eat to the supplements you take. Following all of the above easy ways to shrink your prostate can help you in preventing BPH symptoms from getting worse. Taking steps to improve your prostate health through these efforts can help you to naturally manage your prostate health.


Preventing and Treating Hair Loss

If you have been experiencing hair loss, and you are sure that it’s not just your shedding cycle, you should find out what’s causing the problem. Reasons for hair loss vary from person to person. While in some cases external factors might be responsible, other conditions can also lead to baldness, such as lack of nutrition, heredity, etc.

Get The Correct Diagnosis

Тhe best way to deal with the issue is to get the right diagnosis. First of all, find the areas where thinning is most noticeable and monitor how much hair you are losing whenever you shampoo or comb. Consult a doctor to see if you have any underlying medical issues causing the hair loss.

Eat Foods That Stop Hair Loss

Research has proven that it’s possible to thicken hair back up through dietary changes. Fortunately, zinc supplementation and eating a lot of iron-rich foods can slow hair loss in the majority of cases, so it’s a perfect idea to add it to your diet. Fill your plate with foods, which are rich in proven hair-growth nutrients, such as salmon, honey, nuts and seeds, spinach and oysters.

Choose Hair Products Wisely

Use a wooden wide-tooth comb to untangle your hair, after this you may use your regular brush. This will lessen the hair loss and breakage because of pulling out. It is also important to remember not to brush your hair while it is wet.

Try new shampoos that are silicone, sulfate, and paraben-free. This way you will avoid loading your hair and scalp with harsh chemicals that are making your hair brittle and cause damage. Controlling the chemical damage is the right way to guarantee hair loss prevention.

Reduce Stress

By decreasing your everyday stress, you can directly affect the health of your hair as well as your whole body. Yoga and journaling are incredible natural stress relievers. Daily exercise is also essential to stress reduction and it encourages good circulation, which both helps reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

Use Natural Treatments

When you are looking for remedies to prevent hair loss, the ingredients from your kitchen can help you a lot. Onion, coconut oil, ginger, eggs, etc. have stunning properties that promote hair growth.


Get Rid of This Belly, Man

Women tend to gain fat in the thighs and hips (especially during childbearing years), but men are doomed to gain weight in their bellies. And the male belly comes in all shapes and sizes. That’s why fighting the bulge takes different approaches and strategies depending on your metabolism, your genetics, your will power, etc. Here are some simple rules you should follow if you want to get rid of this annoying belly fat.

Watch what you eat!

The weight loss plan for bellies includes healthy carbs, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain and lean sources of protein – poultry, seafood, beans and lean pink meat. The diet must be low in trans and saturated fats. Avoid soda, white bread and sweets. You should eat three times a day, with each meal about the same size, plus one snack. Eating often boosts your energy levels and controls hunger.

Do the right training!

The best way to lose belly fat is with a suitable balance of muscle-building and fat-burning exercises. The most effective training includes:

  • Lunge Twist
  • Lunge Reach
  • Step Hop
  • Hands-Up Hop
  • Squat Jump

15 minutes a day is an effective start, but as a minimum half-hour a day (ideally 45-60 minutes), 5-6 times a week produces the greatest result.

Change your lifestyle!

There are several changes that are essential for losing belly fat. First of all, quit smoking – it increases visceral fat. Also sleep well, because studies found that constantly getting less than 6-hours sleep can result in greater abdominal fat in people around 40. And most of all – limit your stress levels. The “burnout syndrome” can cause you to pump out the hormone cortisol, which is the main reason for the visceral fat gain.

A flat belly is a badge of honour. It’s an outstanding sign that you keep fit. So get rid of this belly fat, man!


Superfoods for Stronger Nails and Bones

Did you know that your fingernails mirror your bone health? Believe it or not, the most important indicators of your bone health are your nails. Researchers found out that individuals with osteoporosis had weaker fingernails than those with normal bone density.

So look at your nails and find out whether everything is alright with your bones.

  • Dry nails can indicate a lack of calcium… or a lack of hydration.
  • Curved or rounded nail ends can be an indicator of Vitamin B 12 deficiency.
  • Spoon-shaped nails (the nail end curves up) can indicate a lack of iron.
  • Nail fungal infection indicates a lack of the “friendly” bacteria in the gut our systems need.
  • You need more  Vitamin B if your nails are fragile, with vertical and horizontal ridges.
  • White spots a potential indicator of zinc deficiency.
  • Very white, pale nails can indicate an anemia.
  • Frequent hangnails could mean  lack of sufficient folic acid, Vitamin C or protein.

Of course, the nail issues listed above, can have many causes and should be checked out by a health practitioner.

Feed your nails and bones

You can support strong nails and healthy bones by increasing your intake of certain foods. “Feeding” your nails and bones with food rich in calcium, selenium, iron, protein, zinc, beta-carotene and copper is essential to your health.


Fatty fish like salmon offers bone boosting ingredients like Vitamin D, Vitamin B 12 and Omega 3 fatty acids. So eat up for your nails and your bones.


Oats include: potassium, magnesium, biotin and other B vitamins, anti-inflammatory properties, and protein. They are also filled with antioxidants and fiber. All of these promote healthy bones and fingernails.

Leafy Greens

Let’s not forget about the importance of our greens for our bone health. Leafy greens are possibly one of the top foods for your fingernails. They contain copper, magnesium, protein, zinc, Vitamins A and E, along with biotin and other B vitamins. Leafy greens contain raw, easy to assimilate nutrients that feed your nails, bones and skin.


Eat to Lose Weight

1 food calorie equals 1 kilo-calorie, but not all calories are created equal. That’s why different types of calories affect our body differently. Calories can have vastly various effects on hormones and hunger. The things that matter when getting in shape are the food you choose and the workout you do for weight loss. The golden rule is to eat less than you burn.

Here are the 5 most weight loss-friendly foods, that will boost your metabolism and help you shed pounds.

1. Eggs

Eggs are a killer weight loss food and a nutritional powerhouse.

Researches prove that whole eggs help protect heart health in those at increased risk of disease. The egg-based breakfasts promote feelings of fullness for several hours in overweight people by reducing hunger. Studies also show that those who ate 3 eggs for breakfast consumed 400 fewer calories per day and had a 16% greater reduction in body fat, compared to those who ate a bagel breakfast.

Eating eggs increases metabolic rate by about 20–35% for several hours after consuming. Including eggs in your diet will help you burn fat.

2. Fish

Fishes like trout, salmon, tuna, cod and haddock are rich in essential nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids which are perfect for the heart and brain. Moreover, researches prove that the oily fish is the best for weight loss. You can replace your usual serving of pork, beef or poultry with fish. It will make you feel fuller and can help you decrease the number of calories you consume in your diet by reducing hunger and cravings.

Be careful, because due to pollution of the oceans, some fish may contain contaminants.

3. Honey

While you don’t ordinarily consider sweeteners as diet foods, honey is an exception. It has been well-studied for its health advantages – its antioxidants and antimicrobial properties prevent genetic mutations and protect the cells from damage. Honey also might help with weight loss, but is still high in calories, so you should eat it in moderation.

4. Nuts

Nuts are rich in healthy fats, high in protein and low in simple carbohydrates. They stimulate your body to burn excess fat, because nuts make an incredibly versatile addition to your diet.

Keep calories in mind when eating nuts for weight loss, because they are an incredibly energy dense food. Researchers found that consuming nuts is associated with better diet compliance and helps reducing the risks of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

5. Yogurt

It is a low-fat food packed with calcium as well as protein. With the yogurt’s trifecta of fat, carbs, protein it can make you full and ward off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady. Go for 2% with whole milk, instead of choosing the non-fat kind to wind up hungriness. Yogurt has no added fat and provides all the advantages of dairy. Because of the way it is made, yogurt contains more calcium and protein per serving than other dairy product.

Eat yogurt every day for consistent weight loss.

Whether you want to get healthier or lose weight, these 5 superfoods will help you get there.


Express Detox: 3-Day Body Cleanse

Only three days of detoxing can do wonders for your health – decrease swelling, help organs to work better and give a much-needed energy boost. Тhe cleanse is designed to free the body of waste by cleaning skin pores, eliminate accumulated waste in the intestines and clean the kidneys, lungs and liver of excess toxins.
The cleanse is the first phase in a full-body detoxification process. The process offers a couple of simple and important to perform steps. After a detoxification, most people feel better and lose weight. recommends three-day body cleanse for the ultimate detox and advises you to:

Drink More Water!

Part of the goal is to poop, pee and sweat toxins out of your body. So drinking 8 to 12 glasses of decaffeinated tea or water a day is essential. You can add the juice of ½ a lemon in the water. Lemon helps re-hydrate the system and promotes digestion. Thus, it will help the flow of waste out of your body. The cleanse is best done in the privacy, at home, where you can have access to the bathroom.

Don’t Eat Solid Foods!

For three days don’t eat any solid foods. After all, you don’t want to eat anything that contains the toxins you’re trying to get rid of. You can consume some raw fruits and vegetables such as apples or carrots, if you get really hungry. You can also drink an additional glass of prune juice to help alleviate any discomfort. The detox works best if you take 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil 3 times each day. After the 3-day body cleanse, add crude vegetables and natural products to your diet.


The movement encourages circulation in the blood and lymph system. Move your body to reduce tension, enhance digestion and lubricate joints. People exercising regularly have fewer total toxins in their systems.

So, exercise is an important part of any detox program. Moving the body creates the conditions for the organism to breathe, circulate, stretch and sweat. By increasing your breathing rate, your body can more effectively flush out unwanted fats, toxins and waste.

Finally, don’t worry over what you can and can’t eat, it is just as terrible for you as having that additional glass of wine or bunch of chips! Do what you can and achieve it slowly and carefully.


Ah, Honey, Honey, You Are My… Superfood

Since ancient times, honey has been used as both a nourishment and a medication. Everybody knows that honey is a thick, sweet liquid made by honey bees. To produce honey, the bees collect the sugar-rich nectar of flowers and repeatedly digest, consume and regurgitate the nectar inside the beehive. The end product is honey. Its colour, smell and taste varies depending on the types of flowers the bees visit.

What Does Honey Contain?

Depending on the type, natural honey contains approximately: 75–80% saccharine (grape – glucose, fruit – fructose and sucrose), 15–20% water as well as mineral matter, vitamins, albumen ferments, alkaloids, organic and non-organic acids, fragrance and colour.

Usually 1 tablespoon of honey (~20 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar. It contains no fat, fiber or protein. That’s why honey is considered a superfood.

Why I Should Consume Honey Every Day?

Many studies prove that honey prevented a type of streptococcus pyogenes from inhibiting the healing of wounds. They found that even the smallest amount of honey is enough to kill off the majority of bacterial cells of the skin which infects the wound site. The superfood could even be utilized to prevent wounds in the first place. Honey can even painlessly remove scabs, dead tissue and pus from wounds and stimulates new tissue growth.

Other studies show that honey could be a potential answer to drug resistant bacteria like MRSA. Also, it could even be more effective than antibiotics in many cases and fight serious skin infections.

Can I Use Honey for Weight Loss?

Honey can also be very useful for weight loss. It has the ability to mobilize the stored fat and provide energy for your daily activities. This superfood balances your weight and resolves the problems of obesity. Honey also increases the levels of “good” cholesterol in the body and reduces cardiovascular strain. Thus, you can lead a healthier and more active life.

Enjoy honey every day and take advantage of its benefits for your health.


Many Different Types of Water, Many Reasons to Choose Wisely

Many people underestimate drinking water, but keeping the body hydrated has an important impact on overall health. Still, regardless of how vital water is, a critical number of people neglect to consume recommended levels of liquids every day. On the other hand, less people know the difference between the various types of water. And everyone can get confused easily about which types of water are really good for their health.

Here is information about 4 common types of water people are drinking these days.

1. Tap water

It’s easy to find, convenient and it comes right out of your kitchen faucet. The quality of the water can vary based on whether it comes from a large public water system that is regulated, or a small community system/small private well in your backyard—which are not regulated. If your water system isn’t regulated, you should make sure your water is safe for drinking. Tap water can include a host of pollutants that increase your risk of serious health problems.
Using water filters for your faucet water can be a perfect way to get rid of contaminants and access to clean water.

2. Spring water

Spring water has been filtered by the earth, which works better than any invented means of purifying water. So try to make spring water most of the water you drink. Another benefit is that it contains a wide assortment of minerals that the human body urgently needs. Drink spring water from remote places on earth – it will be purer.

Keep in mind that bottled spring water may be just as polluted as some sources of tap water, if not more, with the additional toxins that leach from plastic bottles.

3. Distilled water

Distilled water has gone through a rigorous filtration procedure to strip it of contaminants, as well as any natural minerals. When water is distilled, by boiling it and condensing it, all solid matter is left, with the exception of the chemicals that were in the water.

While it’s obviously good to eliminate the contaminants in your diet, there are potential health concerns that come from removing the minerals from water. Distilled water can negatively influence water and mineral metabolism in the body by increasing urination and eliminating of sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and magnesium ions.

4. Electrolyte water

Electrolytes are required by the body to keep fluid in balance, and are found in foods and drinks naturally. There is no real evidence of there being a benefit to adding electrolytes to a hydrating formula. Some bottled water companies purify the water first and then add electrolytes. The amount of electrolytes added back to the water are not considered significant. Also, some of these drinks can contain sugar or sodium.

While there is no perfect water decision, you can amplify the well-being and health advantages of the water you drink by ensuring it is as clean as possible.